San Francisco Community Challenge Grant Program

Category : Program or Division

Address : 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, Room 362, San Francisco, CA 94102
Telephone: 415 554-4830

A division within the City Administrator’s Office, the Community Challenge Grant Program (CCG), formerly known as the Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-Up Fund, was founded in 1991 by voter initiative. The CCG provides resources to community groups, businesses, schools and nonprofit organizations to make physical improvements to their neighborhoods. The CCG focuses on projects that directly engage residents and businesses in creating green spaces, gathering places, gardens, mini-parks, public art, and other neighborhood amenities featuring and applying ecologically friendly amenities and practices. The program is an important tool for building strong San Francisco neighborhoods by facilitating community participation, stewardship, and responsibility by allowing groups to take the lead in conducting small-scale improvements in their own communities.